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Beast Of Broadstairs' Moor Spotted In Town
Over the past few decades there have been many uncorroborated sightings of the Beast of Broadstairs’ Moor. Earlier this week it was...

"My Unflushed Toilet" - Stacey Lemming's Artwork Coming To Thanet Gallery
Artist Stacey Lemming is delighted that her artwork "My Unflushed Toilet" is being lent to Thanet's art gallery the Turnip...

Boxing Contest of the Century: Shell Lady vs Gormley's Sculpture
Let's get ready to ruuuuuuumble. That's right ladies and gentlemen, he muscled in on her turf, well concrete, and she's not going to take...

La Peugeot, Thanet: 'A banger of a restaurant' - review
I usually like to start my restaurant reviews with a lot of big fancy words because let’s face it, “I stuffed my face with food and then...

Thanet's Rubbish Crisis Solved
We’ve all had it. You put your rubbish out the night before, braving the dark in your Dalmatian onesie hoping the neighbours don’t spot...

Joy Across Thanet As Species Segregation Comes To An End
There were scenes of celebration in Thanet today as news that species segregation on the main beaches is to come to an end. From the 1st...

Attack of The Seagulls
I’m both sad to say and annoyed that I was mugged in Thanet yesterday. I’m not an angry person but this human parasite has both riled me...

The Thanettanic
In a nail biting scene earlier today, a boat almost capsized at Dumpton Gap. Drawn too close to shore by the siren call of a bacon sarnie...

Suspension of Parking at St George's Churchyard
And Jesus said "Park not thee in St George's Churchyard, for it is not a public car park. Go forth unto Staffordshire Street and Meeting...

Poopy Shoes
Does anybody know if there is an awards committee in Ramsgate? If there is, I think I should be considered for an award as I have trod in...
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